Head of the FBMI research Unit is:
Dimitris Skalkos
Professor on Food Business Management of Innovation
Chemistry Department, University of Ioannina, Greece
Dr. Dimitris Skalkos has been assistant and associate professor at The University of The Aegean,
Greece (Department of Food Science & Nutrition), and visiting assistant professor at The University of
Toledo (Department of Chemistry), Ohio, USA. Dr. Skalkos career expands beyond academia, for more than
30 years, since he has worked as: 1) the founder, and first director of the Business Innovation Center
(BIC) of Epirus-Greece, 2) the owner of Synthesis Consulting Ltd, 3) the co-owner of Paskal Herbal
extracts S.A. and has worked as business consultant in more than 20 years with 50 national, and
multi-national companies of various sectors of activity, mainly in the food sector. He has also worked
as project manager or scientific director on more than 20 EU funding programs involved with the
promotion of innovation, the innovative pilot actions, the establishment of academic spin off companies,
the food products development, and the food business management. His research interests currently focus
on the development of all innovative aspects within the food businesses including production,
processing, organization, marketing, consumers’ motive and knowledge transfer.
For more information at his personal website:
Skalkos Dimitris | Τμήμα
Χημείας Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων (uoi.gr)
Personal CV
Main collaborators of the FBMI research Unit are:
The professors:
Charalambos Karantonis
Associate Professor of Food Chemistry
Dr Charalambos Karantonis’ research is focused on the analysis and study of food constituents and
extracts with bioactivities that highlight their nutritional value. He has several years of teaching
experience in Food Chemistry and Food Sensory Evaluation and is the author of numerous scientific
publications on international scientific journals and scientific book chapters. In the last five years,
he participated sas a coordinator or researcher in seven National research programs.
For more information: Τ.Ε.Τ.Δ. -
karantonis (aegean.gr)
Antonis Koutelidakis
Associate Professor of human nutrition
Department of Food Science & Nutrition, University of The Aegean, Greece
Dr Antonios E. Koutelidakis’ research interests are focused on bioactive compounds of functional foods
and their role on health promotion and diseases prevention. He has participated to the European Food
Information Resourse (EuroFIR) consortium and to Greek research programs. He was scientific coordinator
in dept of Nutrition & Dietetics of Technological Institution of Crete, as Lecturer on Human Nutrition
and Food Science (2011-2013). He is scientific coordinator at one research program and deputy scient.
coord. at 2 research programs (relative to novel functional foods bioactivity)
For more information: Τ.Ε.Τ.Δ. -
koutelidakis (aegean.gr)
Dimitris Kafetzopoulos
Assistant Professor of Business Management
Department of Business Administration
University of Macedonia, Greece
For more information: Καφετζόπουλος Δημήτριος -
Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας (uom.gr)
The Laboratory:
Under Construction | Ανδρουλάκης