Laboratory of Food Chemistry
University of Ioannina – Department of Chemistry


Welcome to the FBMI Research Unit

Research Objectives:
The agribusiness sector operates and impacts domestic and world economies. The multi-billion food and fiber industry is a wide sector including international trade, product management, human resource management, finance and strategies of successful partnership and food chain development leading to new, innovative products and services appealing to the global consumers in the new post COVID-19 era.



Agri-food supply chain management brings together FROM FARM TO FORK the most important of these disciplines and aims to provide an understanding of the chain, to support those who manage parts of the chain, and to enhance the development of research and activities in the discipline.


main objective is to bring together all available innovations necessary for growth and

Radical innovations are not often introduced on the agri-food supply chain, and the food market. Incremental innovations are more often introduced in the specific industry. Although few technologies are available or being further investigated and could be of interest. Consumers seem reluctant to accept new products based on new technologies such as gene technology or functional foods. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected consumers’ perceptions, attitudes, and preferences for foods paying attention to safety, health, traceability, and price much more than before.


Research Topics:
The main research topics of the Unit are:

  1. New, innovative, healthy foods for food companies
  2. Consumers’ food choice motives & attitudes
  3. Business management & innovation within the Food industry


The research interests of FBMI unit expand in the three main research topics stated above as follows:

New, innovative, healthy foods for food companies
The years’ research has led to a new strategic approach “back to the future” for the development of innovative, traditional products by well structured, organized food chains, and participating companies. This approach has indeed been adapted by the Hellenic Technology platform Food for Life” as one of the main strategic action lines in its recent proposal for the R&D development of the Greek food chain (position paper, 2014).The theoretical “4F MODEL” of this research concept is presented in the attached diagram, and the tangible results of its application in the paragraph “projects” below.


The steps for the 4F MODEL product development are:
1) Identifying the “old” forgotten food product to be produced as a novel, new food of the future, and the required agricultural raw material for its production
2) Identifying the suitable food companies, and the farmers if needed, which can be part of the specific food chain, and coordinating their work and collaboration for the specific production all the way
3) Promoting, and advertising the new end food product, when it is in the market, as one of the “academic” – “industry” products produced with the support of the department of Food Science and Nutrition.
Such foods can be produced in any of the EU regions, including Greece.

Consumers’ food choice motives & attitudes
The COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing crisis is changing dramatically the global economy including business development and marketing. Such a change effects consumers’ motives, attitudes, and perceptions for selecting and purchasing goods including foods. The research on this subject matter by the FBMI unit investigates the consumers’ food choice motives of various categories such as traditional foods, wine, cheese etc. and the corresponding changes taking place in the new post COVID-19 era. The research is implemented with the distribution of formal questionnaires, developed for each research case, through google platform to anonymous consumers, and the selection and statistical processing afterwards.


Business management & innovation within the Food industry
The research on business innovation focuses on the evaluation, and the ways of improvement of each food SME’s capacity at four different levels namely: Organizational / marketing / processing / production / Innovation Management Technique (IMT)


Head of the FBMI research Unit is:
Dimitris Skalkos
Professor on Food Business Management of Innovation
Chemistry Department, University of Ioannina, Greece
dimitris_skalkos Dr. Dimitris Skalkos has been assistant and associate professor at The University of The Aegean, Greece (Department of Food Science & Nutrition), and visiting assistant professor at The University of Toledo (Department of Chemistry), Ohio, USA. Dr. Skalkos career expands beyond academia, for more than 30 years, since he has worked as: 1) the founder, and first director of the Business Innovation Center (BIC) of Epirus-Greece, 2) the owner of Synthesis Consulting Ltd, 3) the co-owner of Paskal Herbal extracts S.A. and has worked as business consultant in more than 20 years with 50 national, and multi-national companies of various sectors of activity, mainly in the food sector. He has also worked as project manager or scientific director on more than 20 EU funding programs involved with the promotion of innovation, the innovative pilot actions, the establishment of academic spin off companies, the food products development, and the food business management. His research interests currently focus on the development of all innovative aspects within the food businesses including production, processing, organization, marketing, consumers’ motive and knowledge transfer.
For more information at his personal website: Skalkos Dimitris | Τμήμα Χημείας Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων (
Personal CV

Main collaborators of the FBMI research Unit are:
The professors:
Charalambos Karantonis
Associate Professor of Food Chemistry
karantonis_charalambos Dr Charalambos Karantonis’ research is focused on the analysis and study of food constituents and extracts with bioactivities that highlight their nutritional value. He has several years of teaching experience in Food Chemistry and Food Sensory Evaluation and is the author of numerous scientific publications on international scientific journals and scientific book chapters. In the last five years, he participated sas a coordinator or researcher in seven National research programs.
For more information: Τ.Ε.Τ.Δ. - karantonis (

Antonis Koutelidakis
Associate Professor of human nutrition
Department of Food Science & Nutrition, University of The Aegean, Greece
koutelidakis_antonis Dr Antonios E. Koutelidakis’ research interests are focused on bioactive compounds of functional foods and their role on health promotion and diseases prevention. He has participated to the European Food Information Resourse (EuroFIR) consortium and to Greek research programs. He was scientific coordinator in dept of Nutrition & Dietetics of Technological Institution of Crete, as Lecturer on Human Nutrition and Food Science (2011-2013). He is scientific coordinator at one research program and deputy scient. coord. at 2 research programs (relative to novel functional foods bioactivity)
For more information: Τ.Ε.Τ.Δ. - koutelidakis (

Dimitris Kafetzopoulos
Assistant Professor of Business Management
Department of Business Administration
University of Macedonia, Greece
kafetzopoulos_dimitris For more information: Καφετζόπουλος Δημήτριος - Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας (

The Laboratory:
androulakis_partners Under Construction | Ανδρουλάκης (


List of publications in the last 5 years categorized at the 3 main topics of interest of the FBMI research unit
1. New, innovative, healthy foods for food companies

  1. «Innovative agrifood supply chain network: Leading to traditional, “back to the future” foods» P.C. Sakali, D. Skalkos, Int. Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 11(2), 24-33, , 2016.
  2. «Innovative agrifood supply chain network: Leading to traditional, “back to the future” foods» P.C. Sakali, «Valorization of fruits by-products to unconventional sources of additives, oil, biomolecules and innovative functional foods» Dimou C, Karantonis HC, Skalkos D, Koutelidakis AE. Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 20 (10), 776-786, DOI: 10.2174/1389201020666190405181537 , 2019.
  3. «Advanced food products prepared through academic and industry collaboration» D. Skalkos, International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development, 6(5), 7-14, , 2020.
  4. «Traditional foods in Europe: perceptions & prospects in the new business era» D.Skalkos, Modern Concepts & Developments in Agronomy, 8(2), 787 – 789, DOI: 10.31031/MCDA.2021.08.000681 , 2021.
  5. «Marketing and brand authenticity in post COVID-19 era» P. Gkogkos, D.Skalkos, Modern Concepts & Developments in Agronomy, 8(2), 800 – 8002, , 2021.
  6. «Ultrasound-assisted extraction of Texas variety almond oil and in vitro evaluation of its health preventive bioactivities» Κ. Thanou, Α. Kapsi, Α. Petsas, C. Dimou, A. Koutelidakis, C. Nasopoulou, D. Skalkos, H. Karantonis, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 10, 1-9, , 2021.
  7. «Olive paste enriched cookies exert increased antioxidant activities» E. Argyri, S. Piromalis, A. Koutelidakis, D. Kafetzopoulos, A. Petsas, D. Skalkos, C. Nasopoulou, C. Dimou, H. Karantonis, Applied Sciences, 11, 5515, 1-10, , 2021.
  8. “Postprandial bioactivity of a Spread Cheese enriched with Mountain Tea and Orange Peel extract in plasma oxidative stress status, serum lipids and glucose levels: An interventional study in healthy adults” O. Papagianni, K. Argyri, T. Loukas, A. Magkoutis, T. Biagki, D. Skalkos, D. Kafetzopoulos, C. Dimou, H. C. Karantonis, A. E. Koutelidakis, Biomolecules, 11, 1241, , 2021.
  9. “Trends in food innovation: An interventional study of benefits consuming novel functional cookies enriched with olive paste” O. Papagianni, I. Moulas, T. Loukas, A. Magkoutis, D. Skalkos, D. Kafetzopoulos, C. Dimou, H. C. Karantonis, A. Koutelidakis, Sustainability, 13(20), 11472, 1-14, , 2021.
  10. “Functional bakery snacks for the post-COVID-19 market fortified with Omega-3 fatty acids” H.C. Karantonis, C. Nasopoulou, D.Skalkos, Sustainability, 14, 4816, 1-12, , 2022.
  11. “Postprandial Responses of Serum Cholesterol, Glucose and Plasma Antioxidant Activity, after Intake of an Innovative High Fat Mayonnaise-Based Appetizer, Enhanced with Olive Paste, in Healthy Volunteers” O. Papagianni, T. Loukas, A. Magkoutis, D. Skalkos, D. Kafetzopoulos, C. DImou, H.C. Karantonis, A.E. Koutelidakis, Life, 12, 1385, 1-9, , 2022.
  12. “Bioactivity of Grape Skin from Small-Berry Muscat and Augustiatis of Samos: A Circular Economy Perspective for Sustainability” A. Michalaki, E.N. Iliopoulou, A. Douvika, C. Nasopoulou, D. Skalkos, H.C. Karantonis, Sustainability, 14, 14576, 1-11, , 2022.
  13. “Postprandial inflammatory and metabolic responses induced by authentic Mytilinis cheese: a preliminary, crossover, nutritional intervention in healthy adults” O. Papagianni, A. Voutsa, O. Katira, P. Potsaki, K. Almpounioti, K. Tzitziri, D. Skalkos, A. Koutelidakis, Life, 13, 923, 1-16, , 2023.
  14. «A Novel Functional Refined Olive Oil, Enhanced with Orange Peel Extract, Modulates Postprandial LDL-Cholesterol Responses in Individuals at Cardiometabolic Risk: A Pilot Randomized, Controlled, Cross-Over Nutritional Intervention», Papagianni O., Kaloteraki C., Kandyliari A., Potsaki P., Bousdouni P., Almpounioti K., Ouzaid C., Mavrou A., Panteli V., Loukas T, Magkoutis A., Skalkos D., Karantonis H.C., Koutelidakis A.E. Applied Science, 13, 8574, 1-14, , 2023.
  15. «Fortification of Olive Oil with Herbs and Waste By-Products towards Sustainable Development: Total Antioxidant Capacity, Phenolic Content, and In Vitro Predicted Bioavailability», Kaloteraki C., Bousdouni P., Almpounioti K., Ouzaid C., Papagianni O., Sfikti F., Dimitsa E., Tsami D., Sarivasilleiou A., Karantonis H.C., Skalkos D., Kandyliari A., Koutelidakis A., Applied Science, 13, 8876, 1-15, , 2023.
2. Consumers’ food choice motives & attitudes
  1. «Consumers’ attitude and perception toward traditional foods of northwest Greece during the COVID-19 Pandemic” D. Skalkos, I.S. Kosma, E. Chasioti, A. Skendi, M. Papageorgiou, R.Guine, Applied Sciences, 11, 4080, 1-20, , 2021.
  2. “Consumers’ trust in Greek traditional foods in the post COVID-19 era” D. Skalkos, I.S. Kosma, A. Vasiliou, R.P.F. Guine, Sustainability, 13, 9975, 1-19, , 2021.
  3. “Consumers’ perception on traceability of the Greek traditional foods in the post COVID-19 era” D. Skalkos, I.S. Kosma, E. Chasioti, T. Bintsis, C. Karantonis, Sustainability,13, 12687, 1-18, , 2021.
  4. “The Impact of COVID-19 on Consumers’ Motives in Purchasing and Consuming Quality Greek Wine” D. Skalkos, N. Roumeliotis, I.S. Kosma, C. Yiakoumettis, H.C. Karantonis, Sustainability, 14, 7769, 1-24, , 2022.
  5. “Food choice motives changes caused by the coronavirus pandemic” D. Skalkos, Z.C. Kalyva, Modern Concepts & Developments in Agronomy, 11(3), 1106 – 11010, , 2022.
  6. “Exploring the Impact of COVID‐19 Pandemic on Food Choice Motives: A Systematic Review” D.Skalkos, Z.C. Kalyva, Sustainability, 15, 1606, 1-16, , 2023.
  7. “Greek semi-hard and hard cheese consumers’ perception in the new global era” D.Skalkos, K. Bamicha, I.S. Kosma, E. Samara, Sustainability, 15, 5825, 1-18, , 2023.
  8. “The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on college Students’ food choice motives in Greece” D.Skalkos, Z.C. Kalyva, I.S. Kosma, Sustainability, 15, 9865, 1-11, , 2023.
  9. «Consumers’ motives on wine tourism in Greece in the post-COVID-19 era» Santorinaios, A., Kosma, I.S., Skalkos, D., Sustainability, 15, 16225, 1-12, , 2023.
  10. «Perceptions from member-consumers of a University Community for sustainable and healthy eating: Evidence from Greece» Mastora A., Chatzitheodoridis F., Skalkos, D., Sustainability, 16(5), 2213, 1-17, , 2024.
  11. «Young consumers’ price perceptions in purchasing foods: evidence from Greece» Kalyva Z.C., Kosma I.S., Skalkos D., Sustainability, 16, 5752, 1-12, , 2024.
  12. «Market Introduction and Sensory Evaluation of a Traditional Revitalized “Back to the Future” Greek Cheese (Kashkaval Pindou)», S. Siafaka, F. Chatzitheodoridis, D. Skalkos, dairy, 5, 727 - 740, , 2024.
3. Business management & innovation within the Food industry
  1. «Innovation management technique (IMT) for very small-enterprises: concept, development, and application» D. Skalkos, I. Bakouros, International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, 3(6), 573 – 603, , 2011.
  2. «Innovative efforts of SMEs: exploring the barriers to successful implementation» D. Skalkos, I. Nikolaidis, I. Bakouros, International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, 4(6), 509-535, DOI:10.1504/IJIRD.2012.052143, 2012.
  3. «A Novel Innovation Management Process: For applications in fields such as Food Innovation» D. Skalkos, International Journal of Innovation Science, 4(4), 245-258, doi:10.1260/1757-2223.4.4.245, 2012.
  4. «Smart specialization for regional development: The innovation strategy of the future for the Region of West Macedonia» E. Samara, P. Giourka, I. Bakouros, D. Skalkos, S. Makridis, Int. J of Technology Innovations & Research. 6, 1-20, [PDF] Smart Specialisation for Regional Development : The Innovation Strategy of the Future for the Region of Western Macedonia | Semantic Scholar, 2013.
  5. «Effectiveness of Regional Innovation Actions: Cases from Small, Low-Innovative Regions» E. Samara, K. Galanakis, I. Bakouros, D. Skalkos, J. Knowledge Economy, 1-34, DOI: 10.1007/s13132-018-0518-0 , 2018.
  6. «An audit of innovation drivers: some empirical findings in Greek agri-food firms» D. Kafetzopoulos, D. Skalkos, European Journal of Innovation Management, 22(2), 361-382, DOI: 10.1108/ejim-07-2018-0155 , 2019.
  7. «The relationship between EFQM enablers and business performance: The mediating role of innovation» D. Kafetzopoulos, K. Gotzamani, D. Skalkos, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 30(4), 684-706, DOI:10.1108/JMTM-06-2018-0166, 2019.
  8. «Innovation dimensions and business performance under environmental uncertainty», Kafetzopoulos D., Psomas E., Skalkos D., European Journal of Innovation management, 23(5), 1-21 DOI: 10.1108/ejim-07-2019-0197 , 2019.
  9. «Developing and validating an innovation driver’s measurement instrument in the food sector» Kafetzopoulos, F. Vouzas, and Skalkos D., British Food Journal, 122(4), 1199-1214, DOI 10.1108/BFJ-09-2019-0721, 2020.
  10. “Constructed wetlands as nature-based solutions in the post – COVID agri-food supply chain: challenges and opportunities” V. Takavakoglou, E. Pana, D. Skalkos, Sustainability, 14, 3145, 1-14, , 2022.
  11. “Adapting Open Innovation Practices for the Creation of a Traceability System in a Meat-Producing Industry in Northwest Greece” A. Dima, E. Arvaniti, C. Stylios, D. Kafetzopoulos, D. Skalkos, Sustainability , 14(9), 5111, 1-13 , 2022.
  12. “Innovative Agrifood Supply chain in the post COVID-19 Era” D. Skalkos, Sustainability, 14, 5359, 1-5, , 2022.
  13. «Designing and Developing a Meat Traceability System: A Case Study for the Greek Meat Industry» Botilias G.P., Margariti S.V., Besarat J., Salmas D., Pachoulas G., Stylios C., and Skalkos D., Sustainability, 15, 12162, 1-18, , 2023.
  14. «Prospects, challenges and sustainability of the Agri-food supply chain in the new global economy II» Skalkos D., Sustainability, 15, 12558, 1-6, , 2023.
  15. «Assessing The Key Factors Of Measuring Regional Competitiveness» Kouskoura Α., Kalliontzi Ε., Skalkos D., Bakouros I., Sustainability, 16, 2574, 1-23, , 2024.
  16. «Scientific Advancements for an Innovative Agri-Food Supply Chain towards the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals III» Skalkos D., Sustainability, 16, 5693, 1-6, , 2024, (I.F. 3,3).
  17. «Evaluating Experts’ perceptions on regional competitiveness based on the ten key factors of assessment» Kouskoura Α., Kalliontzi Ε., Skalkos D., Sustainability, 16, 5944, 1-12, , 2024, (I.F. 3,3).


  1. “Innovative Agrifood Supply Chain in the Post-Covid 19 Era” Edited by Dimitris Skalkos (printed edition of the Special Issue Published in Sustainability), ISBN 978-3-0365-4188-4 (Hbk) / ISBN 978-3-0365-4187-7 (pdf), 2022.
  2. “Prospects Challenges and Sustainability of the Agri-Food Supply Chain in the New Global Economy II” Edited by Dimitris Skalkos (printed edition of the Special Issue Published in Sustainability), ISBN 978-3-0365-8894-7 (Hbk) / ISBN 978-3-0365-8894-7 (pdf),, 2023.
  3. “Scientific Advancements for an Innovative Agri-food supply chain towards the 2030 sustainable development Goals III” (printed edition of the Special Issue Published in Sustainability), ISBN 978-3-7258-1658-3 (Hbk) / ISBN 978-3-7258-1657-6 (pdf),, 2024.

SPECIAL ISSUES (in progress)

  1. Achievements in the Agri-food supply chain leading to sustainable foods IV” edited by Dimitris Skalkos (deadline: 1 May 2025) Sustainability | Special Issue : Achievements in the Agri-Food Supply Chain Leading to Sustainable Foods IV (


List of last 5 years’ EU funded projects (through the Greek government), implemented* with the collaboration of Greek Food companies on the topic of:

“New, innovative, healthy foods for food companies”

  1. "AGRO-IDENTITY: Identification and strengthening of the competitiveness of local traditional products of the agri-food sector" Interreg Greece - Cyprus 2018-2019, Contractor: North Aegean Region, partner U. of the Aegean (University budget: 180,000 €)
    Duration: 2018 - 2020.
  2. "EPIMILK: Creation of an integrated management and certification system for the production chain of dairy products from improved breeds of goats adapted to the semi-mountainous region of the Epirus Region", ESPA Epirus region 2014-2020, PROJECT CODE: ΗΠΙΑΒ-00149 Contractor: Developing agent of the Holy Metropolis of Ioannina, Sole Proprietorship S.A., partner U. of the Aegean (university budget: 26,000 €),
    Duration: 2018 - 2021.
  3. "TYRELAIA: Creation of functional spreadable cheeses enriched with extracts and essential oils of aromatic and medicinal plants from Western Greece" ESPA Western Greece region 2014-2020, PROJECT CODE: ΔΕΡ6-0022638, Contractor: AMFIGAL Cheese Factory S.A., U. of the Aegean as subcontractor (university budget of 100,000 €),
    Duration: 2019 - 2020.
  4. "ELIAXIA : Production of innovative olive paste products with added value", ESPA Western Greece region 2014 - 2020, PROJECT CODE: ΔΕΡ6-002676 Contractor: Olive processing company AMALTHEIA SA, U. of the Aegean as subcontractor (university budget of 100,000 €),
    Duration: 2019 - 2020.
  5. "ACRYLESS: Support and transfer of know-how for the production of wheat flour with reduced asparagine and bakery products with a reduced percentage of acrylamide", ESPA Western Macedonia region 2014 - 2020, PROJECT CODE: ΔΜΡΙ-0016993 Contractor: CHRISTIDIS SA Company, U. of the Aegean as subcontractor (university budget of 140,800 €),
    Duration: 2020 – 2022.
  6. "FUNDISH: Creation of an Innovative functional salad food", ESPA of Western Macedonia region 2014-2020, PROJECT CODE: ΔΜΡΙ-0014380 Contractor: BIOFLO S.A., U. of the Aegean partner (university budget of 112,638.85 €),
    Duration: 2020 – 2022.
  7. "INNOCHEESE: production of innovative cheese - oil cheese of high nutritional value stored at ambient temperature", ESPA North Aegean region 2014 – 2020, PROJECT CODE: ΒΑΡ2 -0060569 Contractor: cheese company THIMELIS SA., U. of Ioannina subcontractor, (university budget of 80,000 €),
    Duration: 2021 – 2023.
  8. "BIOOLIVEPLUS : production of innovative functional olive oils enhanced with bioactive ingredients"ESPA North Aegean region 2014 – 2020, PROJECT CODE: ΒΑΡ2 -0062094, Contractor: Stypsis Agricultural Olive Association, partner University of the Aegean as subcontractor, deputy scientific responsible D. Skalkos (university budget of 80,000 €),
    Duration: 2021 – 2023.
  9. "NUTRIWINE : production of innovative wine with sulfate substitution from extracts of by-products of winemaking with strong antioxidant activity"ESPA North Aegean region 2014 – 2020, PROJECT CODE: ΒΑΡ2 -0060608, Contractor: Agricultural Union of Samos, U. of the Aegean subcontractor (university budget of 80,000 €),
    Duration: 2021 - 2023.
  10. "Development of a modified wheat flour for the production of safer bakery products"ESPA Central Macedonia region 2014-2020, PROJECT CODE: KMR6 -0223302, Contractor: Chalkidiki Mills S.A., U. of Ioannina subcontractor (university budget of 70,000 €),
    Duration: 2021 - 2023.

* The University of Aegean is subcontractor – partner of the project since the head of unit was faculty member of that university when the projects were submitted for funding approval by the government



Dimitris Skalkos, Associate professor
(Head) research unit FBMI (Food Business management of Innovation)
Laboratory of Food Chemistry
Section of Industrial Chemistry & Food Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
University Campus, 45110 Ioannina, Greece
Tel.: +302651008345